Warren Gulch

Warren Gulch, located in Clear Creek County near Idaho Springs, is a great advocacy win. We thought it was lost for good after it was closed due to private property conflicts, but the US Forest Service was open to re-routing it to preserve access. So we stepped in to design a realignment around the private land, and construction is underway.
Warren Gulch offers a unique option on Colorado's Front Range. It fills the gap between easier and more difficult trails while also providing a long, fast, continuous shuttle that is within the skill levels of most riders. Also, Warren Gulch has traditionally been a naturally directional trail, since riders shuttle to the top. Meanwhile, there's little hiker traffic since those folks are drawn to nearby Chief Mountain, giving the area a comfortable separation of users.
We're taking care to keep the trail natural and in character with the typical shuttling experience enjoyed by mountain bikers in this area, and we're looking forward to having this trail back open to enjoy!
Our trail crew is partnering with the US Forest Service, Mile High Youth Corps and the Clear Creek County Trail Crew. Watch our Facebook and Instagram feeds for updates, or sign up below to receive our email newsletter.

Warren Gulch Project Stats
Project Type: Reroute
User Groups: Mountain bikers, hikers, trail runners
Difficulty: Intermediate
Distance: ~3-miles
Nature: Singletrack
Status: Trail Construction
Projected opening date: Spring 2022